Dimenara operates in the intervention, mediation and participation in the search for, or separation of, partners, alliances and mergers, and total or partial acquisitions of firms in Spain as well as abroad.

To assist negotiations, Dimenara can prepare two basic documents which are the Sales Notebooks and the Corporate Valuations and Financial Reports. Their contents typically consist of the following:

Sales Notebook

Valuation and Financial Reports In addition, and as necessary, Dimenara can act as consultant and collaborate with clients throughout the negotiation process as well as in the preparation of other usual documents in these matters,such as Confidentiality letters and the Letters of Intentions, amongst others.

Since its incorporation in 1995, DIMENARA's principal area of activity has been the provision of both corporate and financial consulting as well as strategic consulting on the marketing positioning of companies.

In addition, DIMENARA specializes in advising firms on the internationalisation of their activities, their international investment deals and identifying importers, suppliers and strategic partners or allies. The Company has extensive experience in facilitating this process through collaboration with organizations and associates in the target countries which specialize in the market positioning of foreign companies and international corporate operations in those countries.

To that end, DIMENARA has at its disposal a business and commercial organization, including material and human resources appropriate to the optimum development of its activities. This includes an important network of specialized associates and partner firms with long experience in all of the services provided at national and international level.
Dimenara S.L.

Camino de la Huerta 14
28109 Alcobendas
Madrid (Spain)

Tels. +34 619 211 211 / +34 916 500 170